2010 News Archive
This page contains archived Concorde Project news from 2010. Also see the links at the bottom of the page for archived Concorde Project news from 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
September 2010:
Funds have recently allowed the planned upgrade of the simulator's projection system to be completed. The older single projector has been retired and replaced by three modern and higher resolution models. This has resulted in a much sharper and clearer image being projected onto the screen with visuals that are now at least comparable, if not better, than those produced by the original projection system that was used on the simulator when it was operated by British Airways. See here for photos of the upgrade being completed.
May 2010:
The original computer interface linkage equipment for the Concorde simulator has been discovered in storage and brought to Brooklands for display alongside the sim itself. This is the equipment that used to interface between the cockpit controls and the computers when the simulator was operational at Filton. It had been assumed that this had all been scrapped in 2003 when the simulator was decommisioned, but was recently discovered in storage in Bournemouth where a company called European Skybus had bought it for possible use at their simulator facility.
The company have very kindly agreed to allow Brooklands to have the equipment on long term loan and, while short term plans intend just for the equipment to go on display, it is possible that at same stage in the future the equipment may be used to add further functionality to the Concorde simulator.
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